Список коллекций: Nasedkin
Nasedkin Nikolay


Date of birth: 1954


Winter landscape. Birch. 2002. Oil, canvas. 120х100

Nikolay Nasedkin began to paint very early. He tried to capture things that he saw or imagined with the help of the pencil. One day his mother bought him the book of Anti Perrusho “Van Gogh’s Life”. There was a reproduction of the self-portrait with cut ear. That book identified his further life.

Once his mother discovered that an artist came to the nearby village. She said that they must go and show him the drawings. They walked 15 kilometers. That meeting influenced on Nikolay’s decision to became an artist. Nikolay finished the eighth class at school and prepared for going to Leningrad — he wanted to enter in The Art School named after Repin.

During exams he lived in a dormitory, so he had a great opportunity to visit Hermitage every day. Hermitage impressed him very much, but he failed with the school. After that occasion his father remembered about his friend, who was an artist and also a teacher in a college. So it was that friend who saw Nikolay’s works and adopted him to the college in the class of Rostov enamel.

Nikolay studied 4 years in the college and before his final year project he asked to be deducted. He was bored to death. He wanted to go to Leningrad again and again he failed his exams to The Leningrad Academy of Art. He worked as a janitor to have the place to live and the opportunity to stay in the city.

But it was difficult to stay there without registration. Suddenly Nikolay went around with mystics, esoterics, theosophists, who were connected with their community in Caucasus. Following their advice Nikolay travelled to Caucasia, Pyatigorsk, Minvody and painted. By the first time he felt his aptitude to black colour. There were combinations of black, red and blue colours, but the main colour was black.

After Caucasia, Nikolay went to Leningrad to try to enter the Academy one more time. His friends found a job of medical orderly in a close neuropsychiatric hospital. The work turned up to be quiet difficult because the patients were violent. They were also with injured movement, convulsions, twisted bodies. So Nikolay began to make sketches there, he wanted to fix all movements, behaviors, lines of faces. He considered himself as a movement-hunter. Nikolay had worked and lived among mental patients during five months. Drawings and sketches made in that hospital became a base for a series of works called “Closed in space” that are kept now in the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.


Solo exhibitions

1990   Painting and drawing of N. Nasedkin. Snekkersten, Denmark

1991   Painting. Drawing. Exhibition Hall On Kashirka, Moscow

1992   Painting. Moscow Architectural Institute

1999   Old New Year of Nikolay Nasedkin. Manege Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow

2001   Meeting after a quarter of a century. Boris Turetskiy and Nikolay Nasedkin. Exhibition Hall On Solyanka, Moscow

            Lines of behaviour. Manege Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow

2004   Madhouse. Painting, drawing. M’ARS Gallery, Moscow

2005   Ornament. Petroleum painting. Krokin Gallery, Moscow

2011   Arable (petroleum painting). Krokin Gallery, Moscow

Public collections

Contemporary Art Gallery ARTSTORY, Moscow

Moscow Museum of Modern Art

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

The Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow


Private collections in Russia and abroad